Thursday, 19 April 2018

PD Day Tomorrow!

In our poetry class, students created shape poems today.  It is tricky to create these poems by hand, but students did an amazing job creating today. They are excited to continue on their digital versions next week!  

In Math, students completed an assessment on Addition to 100 with regrouping. They were encouraged to solve each equation 3 ways: stack, draw & open number line.

Miss Paige joined us again for Kimochis, today she brought in all 5 that we've met! Students reviewed the characteristics of each Kimochi and then were asked to choose, and explain, which one was MOST like them!. I had to agree with their choices and was impressed by their explanations of WHY they chose that Kimochi.

We are near the end of our magnet unit. Ask your child what, "Opposites Attract & Likes Repel" mean.

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