Robina Baker’s Fifth Annual Spell-a-thon
Robina Baker will be having its Fifth Annual Spell-a-thon on Wednesday, March 14th. The list will be 50 core words for each grade from 1-4, 10 words for Kindergarten students and Pre-K will be tested on the spelling of their name. You may sponsor in any way you want (ie. 0.25¢per word spelled correctly). We hope this will be an added incentive for children to become better spellers, as well as a fundraiser for our school. Last year’s Spell-a-thon was a huge success and the students were able to benefit from technology added to the classrooms, lower swimming lesson costs and reduced field trip bussing fees. The monies raised this year will be used to support field trips, swimming lessons and health and wellness projects (this could include items such as new gym equipment, new playground balls, frisbees etc., mindful tools for classrooms, emotional wellness resources and items for health and wellness days). For every $10 in pledges received, the child’s name will be entered in a draw to win prizes. As well, the class with the most 100%’s wins a Dairy Queen ice cream party and the class that raises the most money will win a Dominos pizza party!

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