In Math today we began
Unit 10 Number Sense: Using 10 to Add
and Subtract. In this unit, students will use 10 to add and subtract. Students will
recognize pairs that make 10 and will identify such pairs to facilitate
mental computation. In extensions, students will extend this method to
other convenient numbers, such as 20 and 50. They will add and subtract
10 on a hundreds chart and will recognize patterns in such addition and
subtraction. They will use the patterns they observed to add and subtract
10 mentally.
In Social Studies, we discussed how the Inuksuk is an important part of the Inuit culture. We made our own Inuksuks.
- Early Dismissal @ 2:21 pm
- Beauty and The Beast Fieldtrip
- Family Movie Night - The Lion King
- Spell-A-Thon Kick Off
- Spelling Test
- Return Home Reading