Thursday, 31 October 2019

HaPpY HaLlOWeEn!!!

Students had a great day.....the RBES costume parade, pumkin carving, Black Cat constructing, snacks & Halloween themed centres!  Thank you to Mrs. Stelter and Mrs. Baker for supplying the pumpkins and working with the pumpkin carvers.

Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Halloween Parade at 9 am tomorrow!

In Math, we are continuing our learning of patterns. Students are building patterns that have two attributes changing. Ask you child to build a pattern, describing the two attributes that change.

Our descriptive, Monster In A Jar, stories are almost complete and ready for publication. I am impressed by the detail that everyone is adding to make their stories easier for the reader to visualize.

Thank you to Ms. Greenhough for sharing her awesome Halloween activity. There were many giggles today, sharing the costume ideas students shared with me. Here are a few....

We launched our first unit in social studies, an adventure to Meteghan, Nova Scota. As a group, we brainstormed questions we had about this Canadian community. Using google searches, we found some interesting answers! For example, it would take 841 hours to walk, via the Trans Canada Highway to get to Meteghan!

Monday, 28 October 2019

Exciting things happened today!!  Our 2C class shirts arrived!  

Today the Grade Twos had their final science rotation for their liquids unit.  

In art, students created a Halloween themed art project where they made different shades/tints of paint for their background.  They then completed a guided drawing of a Haunted House to add to the foreground. 

In Math, we launched Unit 3 on patterning.  Today we identified pattern cores, terms and extended repeating patterns

Today students received their differentiated Words Their Way sort.  Each morning, students  work through a different activity to reinforce their spelling pattern for the week.  You can find this week's sort in the front of their Home Reading Bags.

Weekly Reminders

- Words Their Way begins, please see note in your child's agenda

-Return Library Books

- Halloween Parade 9am
- Halloween Celebration in class.  Thank you to the students who are signed up to provide snacks for this day: Ryan, Daniel, TJ & Katelyn.

- WTW test
- Return Home Reading

Friday, 18 October 2019

No School on Monday

Today, as we continued our exploration of liquids, students were thrilled to see how many water droplets they could stack on a penny, due to surface tension!

Thursday, 17 October 2019

Return Home Reading tomorrow!

Today we launched our first science unit: Exploring Liquids. First of all, students brainstormed examples and non-examples of liquids.

Secondly, students rotated through various stations, learning about the many characteristics of water!

Water takes the shape of its container.
Moving water makes sound.
Water does not have a smell.
We can hang a drop of water from our fingertip.

In Math, we were busy reading and solving addition word problems.  They learned to identify words that indicate addition: altogether, in total, joined in, etc.).  Ask your child to show you how to solve this problem at home by drawing a picture and writing an addition sentence.

There are six frogs in a pond.
Five frogs joined in.
How many frogs altogether?

Friday, 11 October 2019

We re-read the story, Twas The Night Before Thanksgiving, by Dave Pikey. Students were polled:

Image result for happy thanksgiving

Today we read a funny story, Twas The Night Before Thanksgiving, by Dave Pikey. After reading the story, we discussed who the characters were, what they were like, where the story took place (setting) and the main events.

RBEStudents are collecting socks for Socktober. Thank you, TW, for bringing in the the first pair for 2C!

Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Today was our first library block of the school year. Students enjoyed a story read by our librarian, Mrs. Sacuta, chose a new book and then lazed around in the comfy chairs, reading.

Students were introduced to the term syllable - vowel sounds we hear in a word. We brainstormed one and two syllable words, watched a funny video where we practiced clapping out syllables and counted and sorted syllables in Thanksgiving themed words.

Tips to explain syllables to children:

  • All words have syllables. A word might have one, two, or even more syllables. Reading has two syllables: read (clap)—ing (clap). Clap as you say each syllable to demonstrate the breaking sound between syllables.
  • Red has one syllable: red (clap).
  • Purple has two syllables: pur (clap)—ple(clap).”
  • Now you try. Clap your hands for each syllable in the word happy.

Words to practice breaking into syllables


Tuesday, 8 October 2019

In Math today students practiced solving addition word problems by drawing simple models.

Thanksgiving is around the corner! Students enjoyed crafting a turkey and took a moment to reflect on what they were grateful for. At the end of the day, students enjoyed making a Thanksgiving Joke teller!

Monday, 7 October 2019

We started Unit 2: Number Sense: Numbers to 20 last week. In this unit students will review and strengthen basic numeracy skills, including counting to 20, addition using a number chart, and addition within 20 using a tens block and ones blocks. They will learn to read and write number words up to twenty, and to read and write ordinals up to tenth (10th). Students will also create and solve simple word problems involving addition and subtraction stories, using them as a context for practicing reading and writing number words. 

Kaci and Jessalyn created maps and brought them in to share with the class.  They were fabulous!  We were able to use the compass rose and our knowledge of the cardinal directions to navigate around their maps.  

Home Reading and Rainbow Word programs started today. Important information was sent home in your child's agenda.

Wednesday, 2 October 2019

This morning we had our first Fire Drill of the year.  2C students should be commended for the composure they demonstrated during this event.