Monday, 29 April 2019

Education Week!

We are excited to have many amazing things happening at RBES during Education Week.  

Friday, 26 April 2019

That's A Wrap!

Today students celebrated the launch of their CWACOM stories, sharing them with the kinders, watching the CWACOM movie and snacking on popcorn. Thank you to our popping crew for the delicious popcorn!

Thursday, 25 April 2019

Today we culminated our month long study of Saskatoon with Saskatoon Day!  Students rotated through three stations: dream catchers, clay art, and Ukrainian food.  Thank you to all of the parents who joined us today and helped make our afternoon a success!  

Tuesday, 23 April 2019

All good things must come to an end, after a fun month visiting Saskatoon, we have completed our study of this community.  Today, students began reviewing the content that they have learned.  Tomorrow, they will be bringing home their Travel Journals to share their learning with you.  

We have wrapped up our measurement review unit, where students calculated mass and ordered the objects measured from lightest to heaviest.  They also compared weights of objects using nonstandard units of measurement.   

Students received their first draft of their CWACOMB stories back from the publisher today.  They diligently combed through the documents in search of errors and places where they could add juicy details to the writing.  The 2C authors are working hard to meet all of their deadlines in preparation for their Book Launch Celebration on April 26th.

Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Coding Pros!

2C had so much fun today, learning how to Code with Mr. Maltais. Students were able to make a heart "flash", program Emoji faces and make a thermometer, which we tested around the school! Give it a try at home by checking out this WEBSITE!

In Math this week, we launched Unit 11:  Measurement:More Length and Mass! This unit continues to develop the concept of length. Students compare different units of length, using non-standard units. Students also compare different methods of measuring length, including using rulers with non-standard units. In the second half of this unit, students study mass, which is taught in a manner similar to length: students first make direct comparisons (“this pencil is longer than that pencil,” “this book is heavier than that piece of paper,” and so on) and then make indirect comparisons and then measure items using non-standard units.

During Writing Workshops, we are continuing to work on our Cloud With A Chance of Meatballs piece of writing. Our mouths sure begin to water as we plan  breakfast, which falls from the sky!

Thursday, 4 April 2019

Jersey Day tomorrow!

Students enjoyed a new dice Literacy game called Word Shapes. Players roll a 30-sided alphabet dice to spell using word configurations.

Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Early Dismissal @ 2:21 pm tomorrow!

It sounds like everyone had a wonderful spring break....and is ready to get back to work!

In Math, we launched Unit 10: Number Sense: Using 10 to Add and Subtract. In this unit, students will recognize pairs that make 10, add and subtract 10 on a hundreds chart and recognize patterns in such addition and subtraction. These patterns will be used to used to add and subtract mentally.

In Writer's Workshop, we were inspired by the picture book, Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs, to write our own version of the story. Our focus will be on organization and word choice.
Image result for cloudy with a chance of meatballs

In Social Studies, we are continuing to learn all about Ukrainian Traditions including their food, music, dance, clothing and stories!