Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Students enjoyed learning more facts as classmates presented their research on the Polar Bear!

Using watercolors, students created beautiful Polar Bear paintings.

Today we are celebrating Kindness Day....but hopefully practicing every day!

Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Image result for pink shirt day

To keep our minds fresh and bodies moving after another indoor recess day, we practiced some yoga with Cosmic Kids!

Playing Headbanz Make Ten is a super fun way to practice Mental Math!

Friday, 22 February 2019

Wellness Afternoon!

Lacing Boards were a huge hit!
Lite Brite!
Today RBES students were excited to rotate through 4 Wellness Stations: Food, Body, Mind and Fun!


Thursday, 21 February 2019

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WOW! 2C rocked the Spell-A-Thon Test....EVERYONE improved from their pre-test! We had 8 students who received 100% Tim Horton's tokens and 9 students who received BEST EVER IGA tokens!

Pledge forms and Spell-A-Thon tests were sent home today. Collected pledges are due on Tuesday.

Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Today we built a word chain longer than the hallway ramp! We are almost ready for our Spell-A-Thon tests tomorrow!

Students were excited to begin creating their All About Polar Bears Google Slides, which they will be presenting to their classmates next week.

Tuesday, 19 February 2019

We have come to the end of our trip to Iqaluit. Students added information that they learned about Iqaluit to their Comparing Communities Google slides assignment.

We completed our Polar Bear research. We have learned many new, interesting facts.

In Math, we began Unit 9: Number Sense: Equations and Word Problems. In this unit, students will use various models to represent and solve additions and subtractions. They will use the equal sign (=) and the not equal sign (≠) to compare expressions, for example, 5 + 4 = 9, 6 − 2 = 7 − 3; 8 − 2 ≠ 9 − 4, 6 + 4 ≠ 2 + 7. Students will use pan balances and pictures of pan balances to understand equations and find missing numbers in equations. They will use number sentences (in this unit, equations involving addition and subtraction) to solve word problems of different kinds using a variety of methods.

Thank you to Mrs. Fouquette for supplying this month's ingredients to make Strawberry Shortcake Kabobs!

Friday, 15 February 2019

Happy 100th Day of School!!  It is hard to imagine that we are over half way through this school year!  

Today, students enjoyed counting by 10s to create a 100 Day necklace.  They also represented 100 by using 10 groups of 10

They were shocked to view themselves in 100 years - stop by our classroom to read the students' amazing 100 Day stories!  

Students worked hard during the afternoon on a Google Slides presentation about the Inuit that live in Iqaluit.