Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Early Dismissal at 2:21 pm tomorrow!

Students were excited to get to work on their Polar Bear research good copies today. Students chose from writing a formal report, making a brochure, or designing a poster.

Our Spell-A-Thon Pizza Party will be on Thursday, March 2! We can't wait to enjoy some delicious Dominos Pizza!

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Congratulations, RBES! We raised $9843.40 for the Spell-A-Thon!

2C raised $958.75!
Every student who wrote the Spell-A-Thon test enjoyed a popsicle treat! Every RBES student who fundraised, received a prize! Because our class raised the most money, we won a pizza party!! The date is to be determined.

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Today was PINK SHIRT DAY!!  Check out this awesome video that explains this special Canadian initiative.
Pink Shirt Day at RBES!

We were super excited to launch our video, Kindness Matters, produced in conjunction with Shaw TV Edmonton! Feel free to watch, like and share on social media. We are trying to teach our students that you can use social media to send positive messages. Please help us share our message world wide.

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Today was TASTY TUESDAY!!  The M&M Peanut Butter Bananas were a popular treat.  Thank you for Ms. Cardinal for donating the ingredients!!  We are urgently seeking parents to donate for May (Granola Parfait) and June (Beachy Bear Cookie).

Spell-A-Thon fundraising money is due tomorrow, if your child would like his/her name entered into the prize draw! 

Friday, 17 February 2017

Family Day on Monday!

We have been having a wonderful time learning about Iqaluit so far! Today students made igloos, out of marshmallows and icing.

 Students enjoyed learning the song, Dumela Kaufela, with Garth Prince this morning.

Yesterday was our spell-a-thon test day!  Congratulations to all students on a job well done!!  Please return the Spell-a-thon money at your earliest convenience.  

THANK YOU to all of the outstanding Skating Volunteers!  I hope you truly realize how valuable you all are to our skating experience!!!  

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Happy 100th Day of School

It was another exciting day in Grade 2 as we celebrated our 100th Day of School!

Poster of 100

When I Am 100 years old....

100 Fruit Loops!

It was fun to compare 100 elastics to 100 bubble gums!

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Monday, 13 February 2017

It was a great start to our second, and final week of skating! A giant THANK YOU to today's volunteers, both on and off of the ice. We skate again tomorrow, from 1:45 - 2:15 pm.


  • Tomorrow is Valentine's Day.  Students are encouraged to wear pink or red and bring cards for their classmates.
  • Wednesday is 100 Day, students are to bring 100 items in a Ziploc bag. 
  • Spell-a-thon pledge sheets are due.  The test is on Thursday.  

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Using marshmallows (vertices) and toothpicks (edges), students built 3D objects.

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Today was a big exciting day at RBES!  The Shaw Cable crew was in the building filming the RBES Anti-Bullying video.  The message RBES wishes to spread around the world is that Kindness Matters!  We can't wait to share the finished product with everyone - stay tuned for the big reveal later in the month!!

Students were thrilled to board the plane and fly into Iqaluit. They were excited to see all of the snow and were curious as to why there were not any trees and very few roads.

Monday, 6 February 2017

Skating Volunteers

We are urgently seeking volunteers for skating.  Unfortunately, without the extra adults, we are unable to participate in this fun event.  Please email me with the dates you are able to assist.

Thank you in advance for your support of our skating program!

On Ice
Skate Tying
February 13 (M)
(9:30 - 10:05)
Ms. Faraschuk
Mr. Nielsen

Mrs. Manz

February 14 (T)
(1:45 - 2:15)
Ms. Faraschuk
Mr. Nielsen

Mrs. Manz

February 15 (W)
(11:10 - 11:45)
Ms. Faraschuk
Mr. Nielsen
Mrs. Mercier Mrs. Manz

February 16 (Th)
(2:15 - 2:45)
Ms. Faraschuk
Mr. Nielsen

This week is Teacher's Convention.  Students only have school Monday-Wednesday.  Below are unique things going on during our very short week.

- Filming for the Anti-Bullying Project will take place Tuesday morning.  Students will wear their Pink Shirts for the filming - shirts will stay at the school and go home with students after the Feb. 22 national Anti-Bullying Day.  Thank you to all parents for getting your permission forms in today, it was appreciated!

- There will be no word sort this week. Instead, students are encouraged to practice their Spell-a-thon words.  Reminder, that the words are available on Spelling City.  

- Home reading bags will not be returned until Monday, Feb. 13.  This will allow students to continue reading their books over the extra long weekend!   

- We are skating next week.  Please ensure your child brings his/her helmet and skates for Monday, Feb. 13. 

- A complete class list was sent via email for students who wish to make Valentines for their classmates.

Friday, 3 February 2017

Students dove right in and were excited to begin their Polar Bear research! 

Everyone has enjoyed checking in on the Polar Bear through the San Diego Zoo Live Cam.  Many students are hoping to watch at home tonight and also read all about Polar Bears at the link below.  
Polar Bear Link

Thursday, 2 February 2017

Today in Math, we continued our exploration of 2D shapes.  Students used circles, ovals, squares, rectangles and triangles to create shape monsters.  

  • Return Home Reading
  • WTW - Picture Sort Assessment & Spelling Test

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Polar Bears! We have begun our non-fiction research project on Polar Bears. Students were excited to compare their height to that of a 10' male Polar Bear!

Our afternoon was spent outdoors, enjoying the beautiful walking trails of Devon for the Alberta Winter Walk Day.  Thank you to the town of Devon for the delicious hot chocolate at the end of our adventure.