Wednesday, 23 March 2016


Today was jam packed with awesome activities here at RBES! 

We began our day by reading to the Kindergartens.  Mrs. Water's class thoroughly enjoyed hearing the amazing CWACOMB stories that 2C students wrote. In the afternoon, we joined 2B for our CWACOMB movie wrap up party.  A special thank you to Mrs. Ganton, Mrs. Jayanadhanpadmini & Mrs. Bengtson, from 2C,  who came in and popped popcorn this morning!!  

Our day ended with a Spell-A-Thon celebration.  Congratulations to the RBES students on their amazing fundraising, all together, over $9500 was raised!

We are looking forward to seeing everyone tonight at the Family Dance!  Tickets will be for sale at the door for $5.00/family.  2C students enjoyed getting a "taste" of the Cake Walk today during lunch!  There are many more amazing cakes to be won this evening!

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

We were visited by Lucky the Leprechaun who left us a letter and tasty treat, what a kind leprechaun.  

Today, students wrote very creative stories about their attempts to catch a leprechaun and also played the 'St. Patrick's Day Make 10' game.  This game can be downloaded HERE and played at home.  

Thank you for the delicious Lucky Charm Snacks, Mrs. Gibson!

Friday, 11 March 2016

Students were absolutely THRILLED today when Dr. Draven (our resident inventor) brought in his "Candy Catapulter"! We tried our best to catch the mini-marshmallows as Dr. Draven launched them through the air, aimed directly at our mouths. Unfortuatnely, the target was difficult to hit, but there were some definite close misses! Thanks, Draven!

Two Spelling Tests went home to be signed today, one of them was written last week, when I wasn't here. Sign and return both for 2 Dojo points!

Thursday, 10 March 2016

It was a hard fought battle right to the final buzzer; the Teachers vs. Girls Floor Hockey Game ended in a 6-6 tie! If you are looking for a fun family activity, stop by the school and watch the Black Gold Girls Floor Hockey Tournament this weekend, it's bound to be entertaining!  Good luck to all of the Grade 3 & 4 girls who are participating! 

One of the PD focuses at RBES this year has been MindUp.  This research based program encourages students to "self regulate behaviour and mindfully engage in focused concentration" in order to maximize their academic potential.  Today we talked about the importance of breathing and watched this great video.  We have a calming glitter bottle for mindful relaxation in our classroom and I have encouraged all students to make one at home too (the directions are found HERE - although I suggest a plastic bottle, with the lid glued on, instead of a mason jar). 

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Near the end of the day on Thursday, all RBES students gathered in the Gym for the THIRD ANNUAL RBES SPELL-A-THON Assembly!! Students are excited to practice for their test and fundraise for this exciting event!  Copies of the Grade Two Fundraising Sheet and Spelling List are available HERE.

Student Led Conferences will be held school wide on Wednesday, March 16.  Our class conferences will run from 3:30-7:00 pm.  Please ensure that you arrive no later than 6:30 pm and prepare to spend about 20 minutes in the classroom. Please note that it is not a formal teacher/parent meeting; this is a wonderful opportunity for your child to share with you the learning that has been taking place in the classroom.  Due to the busy nature of the evening, it is kindly requested that alternate arrangements be made for younger siblings.

I look forward to seeing all 2C parents and students next week!  

Here is a little note from Mr. Henderson for any students interested in participating: 
Klondike Relays
Team Meeting - Noon Recess for runners in grades 1 through 4 on Monday, March 14th
Practices run MWF during the noon hour recesses (11:55 - 12:25) beginning on Wednesday, March 16th.
Klondike Relay Meet - April 5th at Butterdome (UofA) in Edmonton

Thursday, 3 March 2016

Super Hero Day!

Today, in Science, we pretended to be polar bears and learned how blubber works by immersing our hands in two separate buckets of water.  One containing a blubber glove and another containing a plain plastic glove.  We learned that blubber would make a HUGE difference in keeping us warm if we were swimming in cold water.