Monday, 30 November 2015

It's the last day of November!

Where did the time go? It's hard to believe we have been in school for 3 months already. Please take a minute to check both the 2C and RBES calendars. There is a lot of important information as this calendar year comes to a close.

In Math today, we learned a new game, Place Value Face Off. Students will be place this game during Math Workshops this week, where our focus is comparing and ordering 2-digit numbers.

  • New Word Sorts were sent home. Please continue to practice daily. Due to our shortened week last week, students wrote their Word Sort tests this morning. Please sign, have your child complete their corrections if there were any, and return to school.
  • New Home Reading books were sent home. In order to become better readers, we strive to read a minimum of 15 minutes a night.
  • New Word Wall Words. This week our words follow the CVCe (consonant, vowel, consonant, e) spelling pattern. For example, the work like follows the CVCe pattern. The e in each word makes the vowel long (it says its own name)

Thursday, 26 November 2015

No school tomorrow!

A huge thank you to Kadie and Lucas Gibson's moms for joining us on our trip to the Telus World of Science.

Click on the link below for more terrific pics!

Telus World of Science

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

TWOS Field Trip Tomorrow!

The WTW spelling test will take place on Monday next week as we are on a field trip Thursday and there is no school on Friday.  However, please return all home reading bags on tomorrow.

Tomorrow is our field trip to the Telus World of Science.  We will be leaving the school promptly at 8:35.  Students will be wearing our class shirts so please be sure that your child arrives at bell time (8:25) so that he/she has time to change.  Also, please send your child with a bagged lunch (a brown or plastic bag, clearly labeled with their name, no reusable containers or water bottles).  

Let's Go Fishing...

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Library Tomorrow!

Doubles. Doubles. I can add doubles!

  • Return Home Reading
  • Word Sort Test Tomorrow
  • Library Tomorrow
A couple of other reminders...

Christmas Shoe-boxes and Christmas Elves Info: 

Fundrscript Orders are due Friday!  Fundscrip is a fantastic way to kick off your Christmas shopping and support your school.  

Twin Day is Friday!  Students are finds a friend or two (or three or four) to dress the same on Twin Day.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Early Dismissal Tomorrow

Estimating and counting using Tens Frames

In Science today, students tested a variety of materials, recognizing that some materials absorb and others repel.